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Wataru Murakami


What is

"In Search of Colors"?

In Search of Colors is a on-going project that aims to capture the characteristics of large-scaled cities and metropolis. This current project deals with Tokyo, Japan and the changes that occur in Tokyo between 2019 and 2021.

Tokyo endorses and awaits another phase of its development, and the year 2020 can be the milestone for the metropolis. The high-rise apartment buildings in the coastal areas have been developing since the 2000, and the event facilities are newly and re-constructed for the international sport events that will be held in 2020.

The project currently consists of images of architecture, urban spaces, landscapes, and portraits of the interviewees; an architectural historian, an art historian, an art curator, and the minister & deputy head of mission of German Embassy to Japan.

The images were first photographed and shown to the interviewees, who talked about historical and current urban development as well as expectations for the near future. The photographic images on the metropolis were re-captured and repeatedly photographed in the same locations by reflecting the interviews.

The project will be produced further by participating the “Test-Run” events of the Tokyo Olympics in November 2019. These events are a simulation conducted in the facilities and with the sports that will be held at the Tokyo Olympics in 2020.

Furthermore, in 2020, when most of the urban development are in Tokyo, the images of the architecture and the landscapes will be made as well as interviews to citizens on their views on Tokyo 2020.

The curiosity towards the further Tokyo after 2020 is present. The whole investment on the metropolis will be on effect and thought about in 2021.

"In Search of Colors"

「In Search of Colors」は、2019年から2021年における東京の都市の変革や現在の東京の特徴を写真作品に収める現在進行形のプロジェクトです。


「In Search of Colors」は、2019年11月に東京オリンピックのシミュレーションとして開催される「テストラン」イベントのいくつかに参加し、さらなる撮影を行う予定です。また、2020年には、東京都市開発の大部分が完成する見込みのため、その建築と景観を撮影するとともに、東京2020に対する住民の視野や見解についてインタビュー兼撮影を行う予定です。


まず、写真本の出版を予定しています。内容は 、撮影した写真とインタビューの文字起こし、またはこの写真本専用に書かれた原稿を含むものとなります。基本言語は英語とします。

About Wataru Murakami

Wataru Murakami について

Wataru Murakami works and lives in Berlin, Germany. He uses photography as his artistic medium with his interest on the “still life“ in Western art. In recent years, he has held solo exhibitions at galleries in Stuttgart, Hannover and Duesseldorf, Germany. In each exhibition, he uses works from the Still Life project to make arrangements using the characteristics of the space, creating an exhibition with a sense of tension. In Japan, he has exhibited at the Pola Museum Annex in 2018.

Murakami’s Still Life project has been ongoing since 2014. While studying Photography in Media Arts department at the Karlsruhe University of Art and Design in Germany, he showed interest in the history of painting in Western art. He incorporated the aspect of painting in Western art that has various applications, such as religion, history, and political role, into images of two-dimensional composition. Using the medium of photography, he captures images of events that happen in his environment through his own experience.


村上亘(以下、村上)は、ドイツ・ベルリンを拠点とし、写真媒体を扱い「Still Life」をテーマとした美術作家です。
近年では、ドイツ・シュテュットガルト、ハノーファー、デュッセルドルフのギャラリーにて個展を開催しています。どの展示においても「Still Life」の作品を空間の特性を活かして配置し、緊張感を持った展示に仕上げています。また、日本では2018年にポーラ美術館アネックスにて展示を行っています。

なお、テーマとして挙げている「Still Life」は、2014年から取り組み始めています。


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Related Videos


As the project proceeds, we will introduce videos of fieldwork that are conducted in Tokyo.


From Shimbashi Station toToyosu Station on Yurikamome Line,Tokyo(study movie)




July 11.2019  interview

2019.7.11  インタビュー

Prof. Michio Hayashi

(Art historian / Art critic, Sophia University)

林道郎 教授

​(美術史家 / 美術評論家 / 上智大学国際教養学部教授)

Ph.D. from the Department of Art History & Archaeology, Columbia University in 1999. Current position since 2003. Active as curator as well as author of books specializing in art history and art criticism.



July 17.2019  interview

2019.7.17  インタビュー

Prof. Dr. Osamu Goto

 (Architectural historian, Kogakuin University) 

後藤治 教授

​(建築史家 / 工学院大学理事長)

Left Ph.D. at the Department of Architecture Graduate School of Engineering the University of Tokyo, and became Associate Specialist of Culture in Architecture, Cultural Properties Protection Department, Agency of Cultural Affairs (JP) in 1988. Served as Senior Cultural Properties Specialist to Agency of Cultural Affairs (JP) in 1995. Professor at Department of Architecture and Urban Design, Faculty of Engineering, Kogakuin University since 2005. Professor at Department of Architecture, Faculty of Architecture Design, Kogakuin University since 2011. After serving in the board of directors, the chairman of the Kogakuin University since 2017.



July 19.2019  interview

Dr. Klaus Vietze

 (Minister & Deputy Head of Mission,

Embassy of the Federal Republic of Germany, Tokyo) 

2019.7.19  インタビュー

クラウス・フィーツェ 公使


Japanology and Business Economics at Humboldt University, Berlin in 1989. Overseas study program in Tokai University in 1987. Consulate at Consulate General of Federal Republic of Germany in Osaka in 1995. Served as the speaker of German Ministry of Foreign Affair to Japan and Korea in 1999. Served as the head of Press and Public Relations for Embassy of the Federal Republic of
Germany, Tokyo in 2004. Current position since 2018.

1984年、ベルリン・フンボルト大学にて日本語と経済・貿易関係を専攻。87年、 東海大学に留学。95年、在大阪・神戸ドイツ総領事館領事。99年、ドイツ外務省日本担当を務め、2004年、在日ドイツ大使館広報部長を経て18年8月より同大使館首席公使に就任。


July 19.2019  interview

Yuko Hasegawa

 (Artistic Director of the Museum of Contemporary Art, Tokyo and professor of curatorial and art theory at Tokyo University of Arts) 

2019.7.19  インタビュー

長谷川祐子 教授

​(東京都現代美術館参事 / 東京藝術大学大学院教授)

Graduated from Faculty of Law, University of Kyoto. MA from Graduate School of Tokyo University of the Arts. Founding Artistic Director of the 21st Century Museum of Contemporary Art, Kanazawa from 1999 to 2006. Chief Curator of the Museum of Contemporary Art, Tokyo from 2006 to 2016. Currently is the Artistic Director of the museum and professor of curatorial and art theory at Tokyo University of the Arts.



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Coming Soon.

Coming Soon.

Further field work will be proceeded in November 2019


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